Enemy Territory Getting Started

PRZ Gavrila, Sun Jan 28 2024, 10:57AM

Given the popularity of this team-based WWII game, and with its new sequel, Wolfenstein, about to come out, it occurred to me that there may be those who wonder what the game is like. While the new Wolfenstein will be more advanced graphically - ET is just about 10 years old after all - this video gives a fairly good idea of what the interface is like. I filmed it on an empty server as a service to my clan's forum site. You can find our site at ofclan.net and do not need to be a clan member to join the site, but to join the clan you must be at least 30 years old and play regularly with us. This video is for those who either have no clue what the game interface looks like, or have downloaded and wonder what to do next. For those who know the game, we have two servers, the one on which this was filmed,et.ofclan.net, which is running the ETPub mod, and et2.ofclan.net which is running the No Quarter (NQ) mod. The map is a standard variation on one called Radar, and I started as an Allied Engineer as the Allies are attacking on this particular map. It runs long enough to show how to get into the game, how to select a class and weapons, how to destroy a destructible and how to grab and secure an objective. Due to equipment limitations I was unable to record the game sound along with my narration but trust me it is there. I was unable to complete the entire map and still stay within YouTube's 10 minute limit.